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Fitnes-Mad Twin Vari-Massage Foam Roller

Fitnes-Mad Twin Vari-Massage Foam Roller

Two Vari Rollers that join together with a connection screw. Can be used separately or together. The ultimate roller for myofascial release and to help massage and release tight muscles.

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FitnesMad Twin VariMassage Foam Roller

Brand: Fitness-Mad

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £49.99 - £49.99

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Two Vari Rollers that join together with a connection screw. Can be used separately or together. The ultimate roller for myofascial release and to help massage and release tight muscles. The Vari Massage Foam Roller features a range of different patterns so you can vary the intensity of the massage to suit your individual needs. Unlike many foam rollers the Vari Massage Foam Rollers dual ABS and EVA construction will not break down, lose its shape, or require costly replacement as a result of day to day use. Note The standard Vari Rollers cannot be connected together to make a twin.

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  • Two Vari Rollers that join together with a connection screw. Can be used separately or together. The ultimate roller for myofascial release and to help massage and release tight muscles. The Vari Massage Foam Roller features a range of different patterns so you can vary the intensity of the massage to suit your individual needs. Unlike many foam rollers the Vari Massage Foam Rollers dual ABS and EVA construction will not break down, lose its shape, or require costly replacement as a result of day to day use. Note The standard Vari Rollers cannot be connected together to make a twin.....from Gym World
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