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Fitness-Mad 1kg Med Ball - Yellow Stripe

Fitness-Mad 1kg Med Ball - Yellow Stripe

The Fitness Mad 1kg Medicine Ball is a great tool for a complete body workout, especially when combined with a Swissball. It can be used to strengthen shoulders, back, arms and legs

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FitnessMad 1kg Med Ball Yellow Stripe

Brand: Fitness-Mad

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £21.00 - £21.00

from 1 retailers

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The Fitness Mad 1kg Medicine Ball is a great tool for a complete body workout, especially when combined with a Swissball. It can be used to strengthen shoulders, back, arms and legs as well as improving core trunk strength and joint integrity. It also makes an exceptional abdominal exercise tool to create powerful and rock hard abs. Unlike weight machines that are bolted to the floor and give a limited unnatural movement, medicine ball workouts provide weight resistance through a full range of motion. The medicine ball is a unique tool to learn and train sports specific and explosive motion exercises, and is used by many professional athletes, boxers, golf and tennis players.

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  • The Fitness Mad 1kg Medicine Ball is a great tool for a complete body workout, especially when combined with a Swissball. It can be used to strengthen shoulders, back, arms and legs as well as improving core trunk strength and joint integrity. It also makes an exceptional abdominal exercise tool to create powerful and rock hard abs. Unlike weight machines that are bolted to the floor and give a limited unnatural movement, medicine ball workouts provide weight resistance through a full range of motion. The medicine ball is a unique tool to learn and train sports specific and explosive motion exercises, and is used by many professional athletes, boxers, golf and tennis players.....from Gym World
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