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Fitness-Mad 300k Swiss Ball, Pump and DVD 65cm

Fitness-Mad 300k Swiss Ball, Pump and DVD 65cm

Burst Resistant Swiss Ball with exercise DVD and pump. This ball is burst resistant and has a load rating of 300kg. Perfect for Fit Ball workouts, Yoga, Pilates or physiotherapy and

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FitnessMad 300k Swiss Ball Pump and DVD 65cm

Brand: Fitness-Mad

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £25.99 - £25.99

from 1 retailers

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(£25.99 + £Check Site p&p)

Burst Resistant Swiss Ball with exercise DVD and pump. This ball is burst resistant and has a load rating of 300kg. Perfect for Fit Ball workouts, Yoga, Pilates or physiotherapy and can be use as a chair to aid with postural problems. The ball comes complete with a comprehensive work out DVD including 40 great Swiss ball work outs including warming up, body weight excercises and dumbbell work outs using the ball.

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  • Burst Resistant Swiss Ball with exercise DVD and pump. This ball is burst resistant and has a load rating of 300kg. Perfect for Fit Ball workouts, Yoga, Pilates or physiotherapy and can be use as a chair to aid with postural problems. The ball comes complete with a comprehensive work out DVD including 40 great Swiss ball work outs including warming up, body weight excercises and dumbbell work outs using the ball.....from Gym World
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